Weekend Woes

This weekend was pretty pretty lame.  I found myself in an unexpected funk for most of it, but I tried my best to not let it get me down.



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The usual

Aidan had soccer pictures and a game Saturday morning which they WON!  Yeah!

Before the we left, I prepped something I could eat immediately when we got home.

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Tuna Fish Salad, apple, baby spinach, blueberries, carrots, feta cheese, almonds and a light balsamic vinaigrette.

I knew I would be REALLY hungry by the time we made it back home. I also knew if something healthy was not available, the peanuts wouldn’t know what hit them!

I had planned on working out sometime in the afternoon, but just the thought made me want to throw myself on the floor and cry, so I cleaned instead. Much more productive than throwing a temper tantrum.

Where was this little gem when I needed it?



How about

“You are only one shopping trip away from a good mood!”


  I decided I needed something new we needed to get out of the house, so I took Aidan to get a MUCH needed and over due hair cut.

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…..and a cookie for being so sweet and cute.  I shopped around the mall for a while, found everything and nothing at the same time. Not even retail therapy was kicking The Funk to the curb.

Dinner was left overs, and pretty much the same as Friday night.  I also had some cinnamon bread for dessert.


I was hoping to wake up feeling better but no such luck.  I didn’t even feel like getting pretty for church.  I skipped church and got some more things done around the house.  I didn’t get hungry for breakfast until pretty late, 10:30am.  Most likely because I ate dinner really late Saturday night.  I ate my oats and did some thinking.  I came to the conclusion that I needed to make myself happy.  Sometimes, being happy is a choice.


I also knew that I needed to be as far away from food as possible, even though I wasn’t hungry, I knew an empty house (Jeremy and Luke were gone all weekend) and me feeling super bummed out was a formula for disaster.  Usually I bake on Sundays….but no, that could not happen.  I did roast some sweet potatoes and cooked up some brown rice for meals this week.


Cooking is some serious therapy for this girl.

We got ourselves dressed then left to run a few errands and do some more retail therapy.  Pretty much as soon as I got in the car I started to feel better.  I searched a few stores for the elusive perfect pair of nude wedges.  I am SUPER picky about my shoes.  I don’t think I will ever find them.  I did find one pair but they just didn’t fit right.  Thumbs down I should go back when I am in a better mood, because I REALLY love these.  I think I just needed a smaller size but was too grumpy to try on a different pair.  Aidan was also getting antsy.

madden shoes

Adorbs right? I Red heart Famous Footwear

I got kind of hungry while we were out so I had my on- the- go snack

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I took a picture of the empty wrapper when I got home because I ate it in the car….Safety First!

I stopped by Old Navy and then this happened……

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Yes, that would be a size 2 pair of white shorts from Old Navy.

#1 – Size 2:  I remember not being able to button up my size 12’s.  This is also strange to me because I haven’t lost any weight since I last went shopping for jeans or shorts, BUT I have been focusing more on strength training.  Good to know!  Scales lie like the devil.

#2 – I have been searching for a pair of white shorts since last summer….they have either been too short, too see-through, too skanky or too “soccer mom”.

#3 – I thought these were $20 but when I went to check out they were $10!  Holla!

My weekend wasn’t a complete disaster after all.  I left feeling victorious and came home to get A ready for practice!

I had another snack

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Thankfully those were the only Luna Bars I got this week.

Aidan’s practice time was changed to 6pm instead of 4pm so I ate before we left.


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Dannon Greek Yogurt in Vanilla, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, pumpkin pie spice, 1/4 cup homemade granola, 7 almonds.

So, so yummy.

When we returned I was a little hungry and needed to take my vitamins so I had a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats.

After everyone was in bed I settled down with the latest issue of Real Simple.  Reading magazines makes me SUPER happy. I was afraid to start Catching Fire because I knew I would be up all night.  Soon though.

I am feeling a lot better this morning.  Probably because I know my “week” is almost over.  I am looking forward to a lot of things we have planned later in the week (minus the dentist appointment I have Thursday Thumbs down). Even though I didn’t workout like I had planned, I don’t have any exercise guilt, which is progress.  I am proud of myself for not annihilating any baked goods, crispy salty things or chocolaty/peanutty goodness.


I love you Paula, but no thank you!!!

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Strategies to overcome emotional eating – Today, MSNBC

Weekend Recap

Three cheers for a relaxing weekend!


On the agenda for Saturday was housework, game, workout, baking and making a yummy dinner for my favorite men.


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I tried something new with my oats!  I found the recipe here and tried it the very next morning.  Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out so well the first time.  But I did try again and this time they were pretty tasty!  On mine, I added a scoop of natural peanut butter, a few almonds and a sprinkle (~2 tbsp.) of homemade granola.  This made A LOT of oatmeal.  I ended up eating about half of it at first and then the other half 2 hours later.

Jeremy took the boys to the gym so I could get some housework done before A’s soccer game.  This was really exciting for Luke because he is now old enough to workout with an adult!  Luke came home B-E-A-T!  I said “Kiddo, I KNOW how you feel.”  Aidan’s team won their game 6-0!  It was awesome.

When we got home, I went for a 60 min run that turned into a 30 min jog because 1) even though I wasn’t sore anymore from Wednesday’s workout, my legs felt like lead and 2) it started to get pretty warm.  I returned a sweaty mess and decided to finish up at home.  I remembered an upper body workout that I had seen on Pinterest and thought it would be perfect.

Tone It Up Armsvia

I used 8lb free weights for the 1st set of bicep curls but had to drop down to 5lbs for the second set.  It was pretty challenging and I will definitely add it to my rotation!


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I am going through a smoothie phase!  This was perfect because I was super hungry & super sweaty.

This smoothie was basically the same as the others but had 1 cup fresh mixed berries,  half a banana, and crushed ice.  I much prefer frozen berries but ran out so I had to add some ice to make it super cold and thicker.

After I got myself smelling like a lady again,  it was time to try out a second muffin recipe!

Insanely Good Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins from Gina’s Skinnytaste

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Listen, if you have never tried any of this woman’s recipes, I feel sorry for you.  She has NEVER failed me.  This recipe was no exception.

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I took this picture because as I was mixing it all up I was reminded of the days when this would be my entire dinner.  Except it was a box of Great Value Mac-n-Cheese.  I had a chuckle at how times have changed and how incredibly grateful I am.

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Don’t be fooled. I went back for seconds!

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Oxygen Magazine’s Turkey Meatloaf (except I used ground chicken), Annie’s Mac ‘n Cheese and Green Giant Steamers Green Beans w/ almonds.  I got the recipe from an Oxygen Magazine recipe book and I will post it soon!  It is super simple and really REALLY delicious! Even my picky eater went back for seconds! Thumbs up

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I had a few of these through the day too!  YUM.


I don’t have much to show for Sunday.  I wanted to make it to the early service so we weren’t getting home for lunch at 2 pm.  I got up super early (had 3 cups of coffee) and was able to get everyone ready in time to leave for 1st service.

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Clearly he needed some coffee too.

With the help of a little bribe of donuts after church if they were good and a LOT of grace, the boys were super cooperative. There was no yelling, fussing or fighting!   I grabbed one of Jeremy’s Clif Bars, called it breakfast and headed out the door.

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Shirts: Green – given to me by a friend, Pink Cami – Old Navy

Jeans: Abercrombie

Boots, Necklace and Bracelets: Charming Charlie

Watch: Fossil

Church was good, but I forgot my jacket and I was FREEZING! Thankfully they had coffee for us during my class.  That would be my 4th cup of the day.

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By the time we got out of church we were super hungry.  We had to stop by Target for a light bulb and some gray sweatpants for a play Luke is in.  Naturally we got some donuts and Easter candy while we were there too.  Bunny  Don’t you know it is ALWAYS a good idea to go to Target when you are so hungry you might even be inclined to eat a Big Mac AND fries?   I did come home and have some leftovers from Saturday night before I dove into the treats.  I did not capture the moment, but I am sure you can imagine!

Reeces Egg

Cadbury Mini Eggs

My treats of choice.  I don’t think I have ever enjoyed anything more in my life! I was thankful I bought the individual servings, otherwise, someone would have most definitely had a stomach ache.

The rest of the day was spent doing a whole lot of nothing.  Napping, reading, video games, eating baked goods and goldfish….I DID bathe the dog.  That in itself was enough work for one day!

For “dinner” even though I wasn’t super hungry I made a smoothie and drank about half of it before giving the rest to Jeremy.

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Chocolate PB Banana Smoothie

1 scoop chocolate whey protein

1/2 banana

1/2 cup Dannon Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

2 tbsp. natural peanut butter

1 cup crushed ice

When I let Trixie out last night  I noticed the moon and stars were absolutely brilliant.  Luke is fascinated by all things science so I called him out there and we looked at the sky for an hour.

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“You are holy, great and mighty
The moon and the stars declare who You are
I’m so unworthy, but still You love me
Forever my heart will sing of how great You are”

Next time, check the weather report genius.

This was Luke last night at Aidan’s practice

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And this was me

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One of the things I love so much about Texas is the weather! Annoyed

I went outside right before we left and felt like a t-shirt and a windbreaker were appropriate.  Wow, was I wrong.  I think the with the wind and the setting sun, the temperature must have dropped at least 20 degrees!  We were freeeeezing! At one point I was stuck like glue to Luke just trying to get some sense of warmth.  And trust me, you would have thought I was trying to put a tiara on him.  Next time, I will be sure to check the weather beforehand.

Aidan clearly didn’t notice

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Yesterday started pretty normal.  We usually go to the first service on Sunday, but I  felt like we all needed a little extra sleep.  Saturday night I decided that we would go to the last service instead.  I slept in til 7 and had my usual routine.  Coffee, breakfast, chores. Every time I write that I think of the Jersey Shore.  GTL: gym, tan, laundry.  Though I have never seen an episode I think that is just ridiculously funny.  I digress….


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1/2 Orowheat Sandwich thin, 1/2 tbsp. all-natural peanut butter, sprinkle of chia seeds, 1/2 of a small banana, Dannon Greek Yogurt in black cherry w/ sprinkle of chia seeds.

Ready for Church

church 2-26

I had a lot more going on than I usually do for some reason.

Dress ~ Target

Belt ~ from another shirt that is too big but the belt is stretchy

Tights ~ ??? Vera Wang? Kohl’s?

Boots ~ Airwalk Payless (years ago)

Accessories ~ Watch: Fossil. Cuff: Got it at our church book store. Earrings, Charming Charlie


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Turkey and Provolone Panini on an Orowheat Sandwich Thin, baby carrots, apple, strawberries, and Cuties.


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Larabar in Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

I’m not going to lie, it’s taking a lot of self control to not eat 2-3 of these at a time since I found that awesome deal.

When we got home from practice I defrosted with this

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Black Bean Burrito Bake

I am thankful that I got in bed by 8:30 last night and was out cold by 9.  Good thing because the Insomnia Fairy visited between 1-3 am.  AnnoyedThumbs down

Rain Rain Go Away……

Here it is 2pm again and I am just now finishing up lunch! But today I was prepared!!!!

I went to the gym this morning and did a short and sweet workout since I needed go back home and get Aidan ready for practice.  I did 30 min on the treadmill, which was like torture today for some reason.  I did push-ups.  I did 20 boy push-ups!  HOLLA!!!! Ever since I saw Ellen and Michelle Obama do that push-up competition I have been challenging myself to do more and more. I thought wait…if these 50 year olds can do it…..I can too.   Then I did 30 pansy style.  I also did a random little shoulder workout that I seemed to be making up as I went…whatever works….

With 8lb free weights

3 sets:  10 front raises, 10 military press, 10 rear delt raises.

2 sets: 10 lateral raises.

See what I mean? Random.

We hurried home to have quick little snack except neither of us was hungry.Annoyed We made ourselves eat a little something because we know the consequences of not eating….

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I think Aidan managed to eat 3 peanuts and 1/2 a granola bar.

Then we were off again.  We got to practice and I guess most of the parents didn’t get the memo that the practice was cancelled due to the weather.  Lovely…..We tried to make the most of it by going across the street.

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I found this little gem

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Lefties Unite!

My appetite returned with a vengeance…..but I was prepared

Finally lunch

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Turkey and Provolone on Whole Wheat Panini, Cuties and baby carrots.

I was satisfied after that so I put the yogurt back in the fridge for later.

It is a dreary cold day here in Dallas so I think I am going to spend a few hours relaxing, cozying up with my space heater and blanket, & catching up on some very important reading materials.

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…and seeing as how I got 5 hours of sleep last night, I may or may not completely crash out before I get to the table of contents.